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All wood lab counter WB-1All wood lab furniture WB-2
All wood lab counter WB-3
All steel lab counter SB-4
All steel lab furniture SB-3
All steel lab furniture SB-1
All wood lab furniture WB-4
All steel lab furniture SB-5
All steel lab furniture SB-6
All steel lab furniture SB-7
All steel lab furniture SB-8
All steel lab furniture SB-9
All steel lab furniture SB-10
Steel-wood lab furniture SWB-C-1
Steel-wood lab furniture SWB-C-2
Steel-wood lab furniture SWB-C-3
Steel-wood lab furniture SWB-C-4
Steel-wood lab furniture SWB-C-5
Steel-wood lab furniture SWB-C-6
Steel-wood lab furniture SWB--C-7
Steel-wood lab furniture SWB-C-8
Steel-wood lab furniture SWB-C-9
Steel-wood lab furniture SWB-C-10
Steel-wood lab furniture SWB-H-1
Steel-wood lab furniture SWB-H-2
Stainless steel lab furniture SSB-1
Stainless steel lab furniture SSB-2
Stainless steel lab furniture SSB-3
Acid & basic cabinet ABC-1
Drug cabinet DC-1
Drug cabinet DC-2
Drug cabinet DC-3
Medicine cabinet MC-1
Medicine cabinet MC-2
Medicine cabinet MC-3
Medicine cabinet MC-4
Fire proof cabinet FPC-1
Fire proof cabinet FPC-2
Fire proof cabinet FPC-3
Vessel cabinet VC-1
Vessel cabinet VC-2
Vessel cabinet VC-3
Gas cylinder cabinet GCC-2
Gas cylinder cabinet GCC-3
Reagent cabinet RC-1
File cabinet FC-1
File cabinet FC-3
Fire proof cabinet FPC-4
Dense cabinet DC-1
FRP Fume Hood FFH-1
FRP Fume Hood FFH-3
Alll Steel Fume Hood ASFH-1
All Steel Fume Hood ASFH-2
Steel-wood Fume Hood SWFH-2
Stainless Steel Fume Hood SSFH-1
Clean Bench CB-1
Universal fume extraction hood UFEH-1
Universal fume extraction hood UFEH-2
Universal fume extraction hood UFEH-3
Diagonal fan DF-1
Atomic absorption hood AAH-1
Purification tower PT-1
Purification tower PT-2
Lab exclusive fan LEF-1
Emergency shower ES-1
Eye washer EW-2
Eye washer EW-3
Eye washer EW-4
Faucet F-1
Faucet F-2
water Faucet G-3
water Faucet G-2
water Faucet G-1
hot and cold Faucet F-3
PP sink S-1
Balance table BT-1
Transmission window TW-1
Single side drying rack SSDR-1
Double sides drying rack DSDR-1
Trolley T-1
Trolley T-2
Trolley T-3
Goods shelf GS-1
Toughened glass reagent shelf TGRS-1
All steel reagent shelf ASRS-1
All wood reagent shelf AWRS-1
Stool S-1
Stool S-2
Stool S-3
layout drawing LD-1
sink bench SD-1
Balance table SD-2
Strolley SD-3
Table SD-4
Fume hood SD-5
Lab bench with reagent shelf SD-6
Lab bench SD-7
Reagent shelf SD-8
Corner bench SD-9
Lab bench SD-10
Vessel cabinet SD-11
3D drawing 3D-1
Hospital lab 3D-2
Hospital lab 3D-3
Fudan University,PRC SC-02
Inspectational lab 3D-4
Guangzhou secondery school SC-03
Shanghai University SC-04
Nanjin University SC-01
Hunan province hospital SC-05
America CURTIS secondery school SC-06
America CURTIS secondery school SC-07
Stool S-4
Clean bench CB-2
Pharmaceutical Sciences lab 3D-5
Chemical lab 3D-6
Comprehensive lab 3D-7
School lab 3D-8
Inspectational Lab 3D-9
Chemical lab 3D-10
Pharmaceutical sciences lab 3D-11
Bio lab 3D-12
Sample room 3D-13
Physics lab 3D-14
clean room for medical instruments CR-1
clean room CR-2
clean hall CR-3
clean room of hospital CR-4
clean room CR-6
clean room for DNA CR-7
clean room for punch plant CR-8
clean room for electronic plant CR-9
All steel lab Counter SB-11
All steel lab side bench SB-12
Medicine cabinet MC-5
Chemical lab bench 3D-15
Chemical lab bench 3D-16
PP fan
One scientific research institution SC-25
One scientific research institution SC-25
Serried cabinet
reagent cabinet
file cabinet
clean room for hospital operating room CR-5
clean room for hospital CR-10
clean room for food plant CR-11
clean room for electronics CR-12
GMP Clean room for Pharmaceutical CR-13
GMP Clean room for Pharmaceutical CR-14
Clean room for Bio lab CR-15
GMP Clean room for Pharmaceutical CR-16
Clean room for Bio lab CR-16
Clean room for electronics CR-17
clean room for electronics CR-18
clean room for electronics CR-19
VAV system SC-34
Animal Room CR-20
work station W-07
locker with manager table W-06
students bed B-01
students bed B-02
work station W-05
locker L-02
file cabinet F-02
Movable Rack F-03
book shelves SH-1
mobile cabin PCR lab Mobile-01
gas supply system
purify water system
aluminum and wood lab bench AW-001
Selected Table SS-04
clean booth CB-001
PP fume hood PP-001
PP vessel cabinet PP-002
PP reagent cabinet PP-003
PP lab counter PP-004
PP lab bench PP-005
layout plan for the lab LP-02
ventilation design LP-03
3D drawing 3D-14
3D drawing 3D-15
3D drawing 3D-16
ventilation auto control design LP-04
WIK company SC-07
Ocean institution of Dongying SC-08
botany institution of Kunming SC-09
Thermo Scientific in Shanghai SC-10
Hongkong Baptist university SC-11
testing organization of Zhuhai SC-12
P2 lab SC-13
T&W company SC-14
Flextronics company Sc-15
Xiangya Hospital SC-16
Baoan hospital SC-17
Petrochemical of Dagu Tianjin S-17
HEMPEL company SC-18
testing organization of Gaoming SC-19
testing organization of Gaoming SC-20
Pharmaceutical lab of Huanan SC-21
Bio company lab SC-22
file cabinet F-01
locker L-01
movable cabinet M-01
work station W-01
work station W-02
work station W-03
work station W-04
Steel Island counter SB-13
Steel counter SB-14
C-frame steel counter SB-15
Floor mounted steel counter
file cabinet FC-2
reagent storage RC-2
Steel fume hood ASFH-3
One project for Hospital SC-23
One project for institution SC-24
One testing organization SC-25
One petrochemical industry SC-26
One of petrochemical industry SC-27
One institution SC-31
one project in Somalia SC-32
one room of our show room SC-33
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Privacy Policy Of BEWA CompanyClassification of laboratory furniture——-BEWA
Structure of laboratory furniture——BEWA Lab
Situation analysis laboratory furniture